👛Add Heco RPC to Metamask

Before you can start trading on makiswap.com you have to connect your decentralized wallet with the HECO chain. In this example we use Metamask, the n1 most trusted and used decentralized wallet.

Step 1: Install MetaMask in Chrome Browser

  1. Find MetaMask extension in this link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn?hl=en and click "Add to Chrome".

2. Wait for the installation. And when the page below show up, it means that you have successfully installed MetaMask extension. Click "get started" to enter into MetaMask.

Step 2: Create your account in MetaMask

  1. Click "Create a Wallet"

You may encounter this page. You can join the survey by clicking "I Agree", or you can just skip it by clicking" No thanks".

2. Create you password and confirm it. Tick " I have read and agree the Terms of Use". And click "Create".

3. Then it comes to the Backup Phrase part, click the lock image to reveal your secret words.

4. Your secrect back phrase will show up in the window. Keep it in your own way, and in a safe and privacy way. After you have keep it firmly. Click "Next".

5.Fill in your backup phrase in order.( I mosaiced my page, you will be clicking them one by one at the part below the blank box.) And then click "Confirm".

6. Then you are all done in creating your account.

Step 3: Connect Your MetaMask With Huobi ECO Chain

  1. Go to the setting page by clicking the "Settings" button.

2. Click "Networks" at the left side to enter into this page and then click "Add Network" at the top right corner.

3. Enter all the content at the right side. And all the content can be found below:

Network name: HT- Mainnet

RPC URL: https://http-mainnet.hecochain.com

Chain ID: 128

Symbol: HT

Block Explorer: https://scan.hecochain.com

After filling in all cells, click "Save" and that's all. You've all done!

Last updated